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ABOUT: The Wolgan & Capertee valleys are hidden gems of the Greater Blue Mountains. Wolgan is particularly photogenic and has high valley walls each side which look fantastic rising out of a morning mist from the valley floor or up top looking down. Cape Horn is a lookout at the end of an hour or so along a 4WD track along the ridge looking down into the end of the valley with Mount Wolgan rising in the middle of the scene.
PHOTO EQUIPMENT TO BRING: A full kit in the car and sturdy tripod and graduated and neutral density filter kits. Spare batteries if overnighting.
GETTING TO THE SPOT/S: Take the left after the Google marker in a good 4WD only. Follow this dirt road for about 45mins to 1hr, when you get to the T-junction make a left. You will eventually end up on the detailed map below. Follow this to Cape Horn As the Cape Horn car park is a good way off the main road it is ideally suited to overnighting, as the sunrise is spectacular and there are lots of Pagodas to explore in the near vicinity.
Please note the diagram should say ‘Cape Horn’ not ‘Hornes or Hourn Point’ (thinking of Mt Victoria)