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ABOUT: This lookout is a dedicated climbing area but offers some great views over the Kanimbla back along the ridge to Mount Blackheath. It has some great foreground with weathered ancient rocks and horizontal trees. The late afternoon sun produces wonderful light on the valley floor on the lakes and farm buildings.
PHOTO EQUIPMENT TO BRING: Travel light as the walk is rocky in places but a good selection of moderate wide and medium telephoto or a standard zoom, 24-70mm is good. Tripod optional but grads useful if getting nice clouds in shot.
GETTING TO THE SPOT/S: See detailed map below, but drive down station road until you get to the obvious final car park. You need to then walk about 15-20 mins along the walking track parallel to the train track until you come to a large clearing. Take the first trail entrance and follow the well trodden walk until you get to a climbing training clearing. Continue past this onto the rocks & overlook.