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ABOUT: A delicate 10ft drop and about 15ft wide and good in moderate flow of water. These falls is at the base of Leura’s Bridal Veil Falls, which itself is an extension of the cascades much higher up. There are a couple of vantage points to capture them, the one above being just off the trail, but there is one around some rocks to the right.

PHOTO EQUIPMENT TO BRING: You can’t get super close to the falls so a 50mm is ideal just for the water but the rocks either side are lovely covered in moss so a 24-35 is good too. If you want a panorama a center crop of a 16mm or so would work. Bring a solid tripod for water smoothing – and don’t forget mossy spray and a couple of dry cloths in this area.

GETTING TO THE SPOT/S: There are two routes down to here and both are big climbs out. The easiest is to follow the Leura cascades trail past the lookout over the valley and then follow the track up to the right and then down into the bottom of Bridal Veil falls, about a 25 minute descent. Weeping rock is about 30 seconds past the base of Bridal Veil to the left of a little bridge. You can come up via the Amphitheatre route (which starts at Solitary Restaurant) but if you want to do a loop then you will emerge from the cascades area and then have to walk up the road back to Solitary Restaurant car park.