Important! Please read before payment:
Pre-note: Accommodation. Avoid booking a place that has inflexible cancellation or rescheduling. There are many reasons including weather, natural events or others covered below – where about 5-7 days out, the workshop dates may need to be moved, especially due to weather forecast accuracy. Gary will not be liable for accommodation booking costs that cannot be moved/cancelled more than about 1 week out. Please inform Gary of the terms of your booking.
It is rarely the case that Gary has to cancel a tour or workshop and this will either be due to 1) His illness 2) Location issues (eg: bush fires) 3) Personal emergency date clashes or 4) Very inappropriate weather forecasts
If a workshop date is cancelled or postponed the following will happen
- A new date will be discussed and set with all participants
- Participants moved to the next available similar workshop after discussion
- Participants moved to another type of workshop after discussion
- note: once a new date has been set above and the workshop goes ahead the rules below apply
- A full refund given to the participants in the event of total cancellation only (extreme circumstances)
Also note: Gary will send out workshop preparation notes about 10-14 days in advance – he will also attempt to follow-up to confirm you have received them. You are responsible for asking key questions that may affect your attendance or any extra expenses which he has no control over and therefore is your responsibility.
Sometimes circumstances mean a person cannot participate in a workshop or tour. Regardless of the reasons why they cannot make it, the workshop/tour will still go ahead without them and because of the difficulty in finding new participants or in the case of solo tours, losing the dates in short timeframe here is the refund policy, and cancellations must be requested via email. (note: to cover yourselves it is recommended you get travel / event insurance to cover any costs due to personal circumstances or emergencies).
Also we will not be liable for accommodation bookings IF you have been notified of a change of date – the participant is responsible for notifying us of any accommodation cancellation terms that affect change of date or cancellation decisions eg: we can cancel/move up to 2 days before etc:
Refund Policy … If YOU cancel
- 60 days or more you will receive a full refund, minus a $50 admin (PayPal or Stripe or related fee)
- 30-59 days you will receive 50% refund
- 29 days or less you will receive a 20% refund
- less than 5 days out, no refund
Post note safety and equipment
We will be walking on a mix of easy and rocky trails and Gary is not liable for any equipment damage, so it is your responsibility to a) protect your equipment with camera cases when moving and b) use commonsense in areas you are likely unfamiliar. Gary will try to recommend best practise in this regard and will inform you of potential hazards and also supervise what he regards as potential safety issues.