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ABOUT: A very easy to get to lookout which extends far into the Jamison Valley which means sunrise and sunsets are possibilities. The rising sun from the left lights up distant Mount Solitary and any mist in the valley, while the sun sets over narrowneck ridge and works great with fragmented cloud around. The lookout is fenced but quite large and some foreground exists including a couple of nice trees, but the walkway leading up to the main lookout offers much better sunset foreground. Also there are unfenced sections en-route too which have one of two great vantage points.

PHOTO EQUIPMENT TO BRING: As usual tripods are needed for the golden hour shots but on cloudy days you can handhold and take telephoto shots without issue. I can get very windy on this lookout so wear a few layers in winter months. Best lenses are wides naturally and 14mm to 24mm most useful range. Bring a telephoto for good cliff edge shots and mist in valley close-ups

GETTING TO THE SPOT/S: Very simply drive to the end of Sublime Point Road and park. The lookout is approx. 8 min walk down a gradual gradient and the last part is on fenced rocks.

Sublime Point Mist Tsunami